Offering the trauma healing work of Peter Levine, PhD-Somatic Experiencing (R)

Meniscus Tear

2 years ago I tore my meniscus. I had the MRI, the doctor said the tear was due to arthritis. The doctor said that with a tear like mine, surgery may or may not work. I decided to just live with it and see what happened. Initially the knee seemed to be getting better. About a year after the tear, I noticed my knee starting to get very stiff, I had difficulty straightening my leg. I had chronic pain in my knee. My knee would swell after doing a lot of bending or standing. I remained active despite the pain. PT was not offered as a solution. I tried various options to improve my knee, nothing worked. I had reached the point where surgery seemed to be my only option. My mother gave me an appointment with Cheryl for my birthday. Cheryl was my last ditch effort. Thank goodness I tried it! I could tell I had a little movement back after the first appointment. This gave me hope. Cheryl has worked on my knee for 3 months. I would say that presently my knee is 85% better. My range of motion has increased, the strength in my knee has improved, my pain level has gone down significantly, my knee no longer swells when I am bending and using the knee a lot. This treatment has most likely saved me from having surgery! 

Shauna Miess

Heritage Creations LLC
