Currently enrolled in training as a Somatic Experiencing (R) Practitioner

Applications of Somatic Experiencing (R) with Neurodivergence, Trauma and SE

Somatic Experiencing International

Bones for Life (R) Certified Teacher in the Movement Intelligence work of Ruthy Alon


Plastic Surgery Recovery and Fibrosis Massage

Kathleen Lisson/Solace Massage and Mindfulness

Fascial Manipulation in the Management of Pain

Nancy Keehan Smith, LMT

May 2022

Polyvagal Theory and Trauma

Melanie Burns and Deb Dana

Anatomy Trains Women’s Health Symposium

Bones for Life Immersion and Teacher Training with Feldenkrais Teacher, Brenda Mountjoy Sorkin

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Certification

Klose Training in Lymphatic Studies

March 7th-12th

Atlanta, Georgia

ScarWork Refresher Course with Sharon Wheeler

February 19-20th

Hilton Head, South Carolina


Anatomy of the Lymphatic System

Academy of Lymphatic Studies

Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy

Center for the Continuing Education of Osteopathy

November 2021

ScarWork by Sharon Wheeler

Training and Mentoring with Andrea Clusen

August 2021

Understanding Scars with Restore Therapy

October 2021

  • Recognize contributing factors in healing which can lead to the development of problematic scar and adhesion formation

  • Identify treatment or exercise considerations when trauma or surgery has impacted different systems of the body

  • Develop strategies to support and promote recovery after a trauma or surgery

  • Recommend patient self-care to promote optimum scarring

Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders

Walt Fritz Seminars

April 24-25

Asheville, NC

Fascia as a Sensory and Emotional Organ

Dr. Robert Schleip

CPDO/Professional Development for Manual and Physical Therapists

March 2021

Hand, Arm, and Shoulder

Principles Series

Advanced Trainings



Cervicogenic Headaches

Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

Summer and Fall 2020

Headaches and Migraines

Principles Series

Advanced Trainings

Spine, Ribs, and Low Back

Principles Series

Advanced Trainings

Neck, Jaw, and Head

Principles Series

Advanced Trainings

Pelvis, Hip, and Sacrum

Principles Series

Advanced Trainings

January 2020

Spine, Ribs and Low Back

Advanced Trainings


CAMT Support and Supervision Group

Personalized, in-depth supervision and mentoring around questions, issues and cases related to Advanced Myofascial Techniques

Advanced Trainings

12 hours


Advanced Myofascial Supervision and Mentoring

with Bethany Ward


Principles of the Pelvis and Principles of the Neck

Teaching Assistant with Advanced Trainings


CAMT Support and Supervision Group

Personalized, in-depth supervision and mentoring around questions, issues and cases related to Advanced Myofascial Techniques

Advanced Trainings

12 hours

Scoliosis and the Upright Ribcage with Til Luchau

Chicago, Illinois

Advanced Trainings

24 hours

Advanced Muscular Therapy for the Neck, Back, Shoulder and Knee

Miami, Florida

Ben Benjamin, PhD

Structural Essentials: Arches and Legs

Asheville, NC

Anatomy Trains


Arm, Wrist, and Shoulder with Til Luchau

Boulder, Colorado

Advanced Trainings

24 hours


Advanced Ilia and Sacroiliac Joints

Myofascial Mastery with Til Luchau

Portland, Oregon

Advanced Trainings

24 hours

Leg, Knee and Foot, Advanced Knee Issues

Advanced Trainings

32 hours


TMJ and Whiplash

Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series

Advanced Trainings

32 hours


The Upright Ribcage and Scoliosis

Advanced Trainings

32 hours



PNMT for the Golf Swing
8 hours


Introduction to Pediatric Oncology Massage
American Massage Therapy Association
3 hours


Visceral Manipulation
Osteopathic College of Ontario, Dr Stephen Sanet
Boston, MA | 72 hours


Advanced Care and After Death Directives
Center for End of Life Transitions
Asheville, NC | 9 hours


Spine, Ribs and Low Back, Advanced Ilia and Sacroiliac Joints
Advanced Trainings,Larry Koliha and Bethany Ward
Durham, NC | 16 hours


“What’s The Fuzz?” Lecture Presentation-The Nature of Fascia
Somanautics Workshops, Gil Hedley, PhD
4 hours


Hospice Volunteer Training
Hospice and Palliative Care of the Charlotte Region
Charlotte, NC


Neck, Jaw and Head, Headaches and Migraines
Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau
Asheville, NC | 24 hours


Ethical Dilemmas Fully Exposed, Ethics and the Power Differential
American Massage Therapy Association
3 hours


Pelvis, Hip and Sacrum, Sciatica and Disc Issues
Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau
Asheville, NC | 24 hours


Leg, Knee and Foot
Advanced Trainings, Larry Koliha and Bethany Ward
Durham, NC | 16 hours


St John Certified Neuromuscular Therapist, Teaching Assistant and Teacher
St John Seminars with Paul St John
Largo, Florida


Physical Education and Health, BA
Furman University


American Massage Therapy Association – North Carolina Chapter

North Carolina Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy

Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

Advanced Trainings

St. John-Clark Pain Treatment Center









Cheryl Drake-Bowers is a graduate of Furman University with a BA degree in Physical Education and Health. Prior to her graduation from the Therapeutic Massage Training Institute, she was the Director of Adult Fitness at the YWCA of Charlotte. In this position, she taught adult fitness classes and personal training. Cheryl is Certified in Advanced Myofascial Techniques, Level II (CAMT II) through Advanced-Trainings.com and assistant seminar teacher for this method. Cheryl is a Bones for Life (R) Movement Intelligence teacher. She is a Certified ScarWork(TM) teacher and therapist with Sharon Wheeler and WheelerFascialWork.com, and Vodder method Certified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage with Klose Trainings. Cheryl is a St. John Certified Neuromuscular Therapist, past instructor for the Therapeutic Massage Training Institute, Central Piedmont Community College and St. John Seminars under Paul St John.


Continuing Education

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