30 plus years of experience
With over 30+ years of experience in various manual therapies including Advanced Myofascial Techniques, Somatic Experiencing (R),ScarWork with WheelerFascialWork.com, Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage in the Vodder method, Bones for Life/Movement Intelligence, and St John Neuromuscular Therapy, Cheryl maintains a private practice in Matthews, NC. At this time, Cheryl is completing the Somatic Experiencing (R) training program and works with this bottom-up, body centered approach to self healing nervous system dysregulation following trauma. She is a Certified ScarWork Therapist and is currently prioritizing ScarWork and Movement Intelligence training in her practice. She is Certified in Advanced Myofascial Techniques, Level II (CAMT II) through Advanced-Trainings.com and is a teaching assistant for this method. Cheryl has a particular interest in using these techniques and approach with special areas such as, Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, post surgical scarring, scarring from burns and trauma, and movement limitations, migraines, specific treatment for hammer toes, bunions, plantar fasciitis, recovery from foot surgery, and complex issues of the hand, arm and shoulder. Her work engages clients as active participants in their recovery for increased range of motion, nervous system regulation, enhanced proprioception and subsequent pain relief. Visit our Learn page to find out more about our work.
“Specific, intentional, compassionate, manual therapy relying on Somatic Experiencing (R), Advanced Myofascial Techniques, Movement Intelligence, Sharon Wheeler’s ScarWork ™, Manual Lymphatic Drainage,
St John Neuromuscular Therapy, and Muscle Energy Techniques to relieve soft tissue pain, regulate the nervous system, restore balance and function, and increase body awareness”