Solutions for Feet! Recording/ALL THINGS FEET/The Movement Intelligence work of Ruthy Alon


Solutions for Feet! Recording/ALL THINGS FEET/The Movement Intelligence work of Ruthy Alon


This is a virtual self study class (Register at anytime to receive a link to the class recording.) Find movement solutions for your foot pain or lost mobility with Ruthy Alon’s Movement Intelligence work from her program called Solutions for Mobility® Learn a complete system of 10 movement processes to support your feet. Ruthy’s Solutions for Mobility® program focuses on short and direct processes that can really help us right in the moment. Restoring foot mobility will help us in all other phases of easy movement with feet as our foundation. Participants will have support materials and study guides to reference the work for their home practice from week to week. Password protected online class link will be with video and support materials for review.

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